The benefits of exercising with a partner
If you're spending your time at home with family members or your partner, why not set up a home exercise area to keep up the momentum? Pencil in a time each day to workout with your accountability buddy and you'll soon see the benefits. Exercising with a partner has countless advantages and can really help you to stay focused, as well as adding a bit of fun to your training. We’ve added a few of our other favourite benefits below.
You might feel inclined to stick to your usual routine and stay within your comfort zone when training alone, but pairing up with a workout pal can open you up to a whole new world of different exercises and techniques.
Rather than getting distracted by social media notifications during your workout breaks, take it in turns to alternate exercises with your bud. Being their hype-man or hype-woman can be a great motivational boost and keep you both working hard.
There's nothing like a bit of friendly competition to get you working harder! Set a challenge at the beginning of each workout and use the presence of your workout partner to encourage you to smash your goals.
You might feel inclined to stick to your usual routine and stay within your comfort zone when training alone, but pairing up with a workout pal can open you up to a whole new world of different exercises and techniques.
Rather than getting distracted by social media notifications during your workout breaks, take it in turns to alternate exercises with your bud. Being their hype-man or hype-woman can be a great motivational boost and keep you both working hard.
There's nothing like a bit of friendly competition to get you working harder! Set a challenge at the beginning of each workout and use the presence of your workout partner to encourage you to smash your goals.