Create your own HIIT workout at home
It’s no secret that I love a good HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) workout as they can be super quick and convenient, as well as really putting me through my paces. They’re great for conditioning and can be integrated into an endurance program 2-3 times per week to build strength and add a bit of variety. I often find myself tweaking other HIIT programmes to include exercises that I enjoy or removing any moves that aggravate old injuries, which has led me to designing my own workouts each week. Not only has this been heaps of fun but it allows me to incorporate some of my favourite exercises, which also helps to keep me motivated and focused.
If you want to have a go at designing your own workout, you can create an area-specific or full body routine using weights, bands or bodyweight, depending on what you have to hand. HIIT sessions usually last no more than 20 minutes, as you're going all-out and will most likely end up as a sweaty and out of breath heap by the end of it.
You can split your timing at a 1:1 ratio (e.g. 30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest) or a 2:1 ratio (40 seconds work, 20 seconds rest). Pick a total of five exercises from the sections below - I usually jot these down on a piece of paper as I always forget them. Then grab a stopwatch or make sure your phone has auto-lock switched off so that you can keep track of your interval times. Repeat these five moves at your chosen time split x4 for a custom 20 minute guaranteed sweat sesh. Don't forget to factor in warming up and cooling down and always make sure you give yourself enough time to recover between workouts, as neglecting this can lead to physical and mental burnout.
With HIIT, it's all about the quality, not the quantity!
Tricep dips
Shoulder press
Bicep curls
Standing upright rows
Front or reverse lunges
Glute bridge
Goblet squats
Plank/side plank
Bicycle crunches
Russian twists
Sit ups
Mountain climbers
Tuck jumps
High knees
Jumping jacks
If you want to have a go at designing your own workout, you can create an area-specific or full body routine using weights, bands or bodyweight, depending on what you have to hand. HIIT sessions usually last no more than 20 minutes, as you're going all-out and will most likely end up as a sweaty and out of breath heap by the end of it.
You can split your timing at a 1:1 ratio (e.g. 30 seconds work, 30 seconds rest) or a 2:1 ratio (40 seconds work, 20 seconds rest). Pick a total of five exercises from the sections below - I usually jot these down on a piece of paper as I always forget them. Then grab a stopwatch or make sure your phone has auto-lock switched off so that you can keep track of your interval times. Repeat these five moves at your chosen time split x4 for a custom 20 minute guaranteed sweat sesh. Don't forget to factor in warming up and cooling down and always make sure you give yourself enough time to recover between workouts, as neglecting this can lead to physical and mental burnout.
With HIIT, it's all about the quality, not the quantity!
Tricep dips
Shoulder press
Bicep curls
Standing upright rows
Front or reverse lunges
Glute bridge
Goblet squats
Plank/side plank
Bicycle crunches
Russian twists
Sit ups
Mountain climbers
Tuck jumps
High knees
Jumping jacks