3 Ways to Get Motivated
Some days (and weeks, if we’re honest) it can feel like more of an effort to get back into a training routine. If you’re looking to create a routine that you can stick to, it helps to create habits that make exercising feel like second nature. Here are three easy changes that you can incorporate into your daily routine:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Getting organised the night before means that you have less excuses to flake in the morning. Make sure that everything is in one spot (shoes, socks, gels, hair ties) and that you have your phone and headphones on charge ready to go. You can even prep a pot of overnight oats so that you have a delicious brekkie to look forward to on your return!⠀⠀⠀
I can testify firsthand for the power of an accountability buddy and am very fortunate to have a sister that holds me to my promises! This is indispensable for those days when I’m just not feeling it and try to flake at the last minute. Knowing that someone else has gone through the effort to join you during your workout and is willing to hold you accountable for your actions is an absolute game-changer. If you don’t have an IRL accountability buddy, you can always have a friend that you can check in with via text to hold you accountable!
I love the @melrobbins approach of giving yourself five seconds to get out of bed once the alarm goes off. Count back from 5-4-3-2-1 and get out of bed, no matter what. No excuses. No snoozing. Think of the alarm that you set the night before as a promise that you made to yourself when you were in a positive mindset and inspired to exercise the next day.⠀