Although the phrase ‘limiting beliefs’ isn’t widely spoken about, it’s definitely something that each of us can relate too.
Limiting beliefs are opinions that you believe to be the truth. These tend to have a negative impact on your life by preventing you from chasing your goals. That little voice that says “I’ll never achieve a PB” is a prime example of a limiting belief at play. Whilst you’re often aware of your daily conscious beliefs, subconscious beliefs are trickier to access and take more time to unpick. So if you don’t know a belief exists, how are you able to change it?
Having awareness of your beliefs and questioning them regularly is essential, as what you believe about yourself and the world around you shapes your reality. Holding on to limiting beliefs is inevitably going to impact your sense of wellbeing and what you’re able to achieve. Whilst most people are aware of the extent of their beliefs, there are often hidden beliefs that were formed at an early age. As a result, you may not even be consciously aware of them.
Research has shown that athletes can combat their negative beliefs by challenging any irrational or limiting thoughts. By asking the three questions below, you can confront your limiting beliefs…
▪️Is there any truth to this?
▪️Is there any logic to this?
▪️Is this helpful?
The purpose of these questions is to identify whether your belief will impact your chances of success, either now or in the future. By challenging these beliefs, you can clear them and make space for positive beliefs.
A powerful tool I’ve found for working through limiting beliefs is bringing awareness to the belief and then getting curious about why it’s arisen. If you take the time to pause and reflect on it, you can often think of an event that formed this opinion and then work backwards from that. Once you have awareness of it, you can replace this negative belief with a more positive statement or affirmation and over time, you’ll notice that they will start to lose their power.
By reframing these situations, you can enhance your self-confidence and create a positive mindset, which helps you lead a more fulfilling life.