An ode to maple syrup
When I first began sourcing the raw materials for VALA, I thought that all maple syrup was created equal. I quickly learned that this wasn’t the case, as lots of maple syrups contain artificial flavours and colourings, whilst others are diluted with corn or cane sugar. A quick skim of the label on most shop-bought maple will open your eyes to the hidden additives inside each bottle.
Whilst using a cheaper syrup would have kept our costs down, I was adamant that I only wanted to use the highest quality ingredients for VALA and didn’t want to compromise on quality or taste. After much searching, I sourced an award-winning British supplier that produces 100% pure Canadian maple syrup.
I learned along the way that you should always keep your syrup in the fridge once opened (who knew?). I also discovered that the maple syrup grading system factors in the translucence and the flavour of the syrup. Lighter syrup grades are produced earlier in the harvesting season when the weather is colder, whereas darker grades are created in the later warmer months.
We use a Grade A dark syrup which gives VALA a sweet hit with a deeper and more robust flavour. This adds a delicious and unique twist to our gels!
Whilst using a cheaper syrup would have kept our costs down, I was adamant that I only wanted to use the highest quality ingredients for VALA and didn’t want to compromise on quality or taste. After much searching, I sourced an award-winning British supplier that produces 100% pure Canadian maple syrup.
I learned along the way that you should always keep your syrup in the fridge once opened (who knew?). I also discovered that the maple syrup grading system factors in the translucence and the flavour of the syrup. Lighter syrup grades are produced earlier in the harvesting season when the weather is colder, whereas darker grades are created in the later warmer months.
We use a Grade A dark syrup which gives VALA a sweet hit with a deeper and more robust flavour. This adds a delicious and unique twist to our gels!